Thursday 18 October 2012

Top 10 Toxins.

Although we all try our best to avoid our pets getting into things they shouldn't, sometimes it's just by pure accident.
Listen below are the Top 10 Toxins that harmed pets throughout 2011. These are all common household objects so it's best to keep in mind just how dangerous these can be for our pets. Remember to keep dangerous items out of reach and securley stored, don't forget some dogs (and cats!) are very inquisitive so you need to be two steps ahead! Always contact your vet immeidatly.

Automotive Products
Products such as fluids and chemicals for cars, motorbikes etc were becoming a grave issue, though with more people allowing their pets to live inside the number of cases has dropped. This is excellent news as most of this products can be life threatening.

Lawn & Garden Products
Many fertilizers and garden products are made of bone meal, manure and dried. This mixture is very attractive to our pets and leads to a number of un healthy cases.

Unfourtunatly, because our animals spend a lot of time outside toxic plants can sometimes be hard to avoid. Check out some of past blogs on dangerous plants if your concerned about any in particular or contact your vet.

Pest Bait
 Always think of your pets around the house when laying mice or rat bait. Being curious creatures they can be very percistant in trying to get themseleves in. Most baits are grain based and this makes them very attractive to dogs. Depending on the product, if your pest is able to ingest some they can cause internal bleeding, seizures or kidney failure.

Veterniary Medications
Although this medications are prescribed for our pets, if taken in the wrong dosages they can cause many problems. With most medications, especially chewable ones, now being made in tasty flavours they are very inviting to our pets. Some cases have even been that dogs have chewed through and eaten packaging just to get the medication inside, this obviously can cause extreme issues also.

General Houshold Products
It may seem like a vast catagory that can cover a lot of things, from paint to television remotes! Some dogs just like to chew and investigate everything. If you have a pet that is like this, it's best to safe guard your backyard and only them inside when supervised. Most dogs tend to go for your own personal clothing, socks, underwear etc. This is because your strongest scent is on this articles of clothing so be sure to have your dirty (or clean!) clothes put away safely.

Human Food
Chocolate is the number one case for human foods! Always keep in mind that your dog's sence of smell is a lot better then ours and they will try their best to get to something they want. It may not be just what's left around the kitchen, garbage bins and very easy for dogs to access and wonderland for them once they are inside.

Over the counter Medications
Headache relief etc tablets are highly dangerous to our pets. Never give your pet any over the counter human medications without first consulting your vet.

This includes not only products you use on your lawn and around the house but also products for pets. Always read the label and be concious of what is around your property and on the garden that your pets can access. Never put anything on your dog that is only for cats or anything on cats that is only for dogs.

Prescription Human Medications
These were the number one cases for 2011. Dogs especially are notorious for quickly gobbling up a dropped pill. Always make sure these medications are stored in a safe place and are never accessable by your pets. They can case fatal results.

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