Tuesday 17 July 2012

German Schnauze?

An ancient breed, the Schnauzer originated in German, originally thought to be a rough haired Pinscher up until the 19th century. Their name comes from the German word, 'Schnauze' meaning muzzle. They were given this name from there sticking shaggy muzzle. The Schnauzer's were used throughout Germany as sheepdogs, originally only as standard dogs but over time has developed down to Miniature and up to Giant. Some believe the Giant Schnauzer was the result of crossbreeding the Standard Schnauzer, Great Dane and Belgian Cattle Dog - though this is a theory.
These days the Schnauzer has been referred to as 'the dog with a human brain' due to their high intelligence and inquisitive and alert nature. They are very easily trained though along with this intelligence comes quick boredom, so they do need a number of activities to keep them from destructive behavior. Exercise is enjoyable, but like anything, they will move on from it quite quickly once bored. Their coat is easy to maintain, usually clipped regularly, as it is quite hard and wiry. They are good with children and a popular family pet, they're wary of strangers and make for a great guard dog. They do require a large area of their own, more to keep their mind active as a pose to physical exercise.

Micci, a very photogenic Mini Schnauzer at Dogs Country Club.

More on the Schanuzer?

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