Friday 14 December 2012


Is bath time an issue in your house... for the dogs that is?!
Sometimes you can end up covered in more water then your pooch and the end result isn't really what you wanted.
If this is a problem for you then fear not, everything can be fixed!

Firstly, if bathing has been a problem in the past you first need to be calm and at peace in your own mind that this is all going to fine. Your dog will feed off your energy and if you are un easy about something then they are going to project the same emotions. Bathing your dog is a good thing, as long as it is done correctly and not too often. Your dogs coat produces it's own natural oil which help to protect it and too much bathing can ruin this, but every so often when they become a little smelly or have decided to roll in something not so nice is fine. It's also a great chance for you to feel all over for any unatural lumps or bumps.

If your dog has issues with the bathing experience it is your job to make it as comfortable as possibly until they realise there is nothing to be affraid of. Take your dog for a nice long walk before hand, this will help burn off some energy reduce stress. Once you are ready to begin bathing make sure you have everything ready to go, if using the bath rub or shower at home place a non slip matt on the floor. Nothing is more stressful for a dog having to roll and fall all over the place.
Collect your dog, the best way to do this and is to not even talk to them. More importantly do not 'baby talk' to your dog! As soon as your dog begins resisting or showing any signs of discomfort you do not want to give into this. When your behaviours in this way and you being cuddiling them and speaking to them you are actually telling them that you encourage this behaviour and if they act this way than they will get the attention that they want.
Calmly lead your dog into the bath and gently begin wetting them with a slow stream of water. If your dog becomes comfortable you are safe to increase the pressure of the water and work your way around their body. If, at any time during this, your dog becomes unsettled you must remain calm. Showing your dog that you are confident helps to remind them they have nothing to fear.

When drying, if your dog is comfortable with this you can use the blow dryer on a slow level. If not, gently dry them with a towel and if the weather is warmer take them outside for a walk. Whilst your dogs coat is still damp, don't allow them allow outside off the lead. Dog's are notorious for rolling in the dirt after a bath in order to try and re scent themselves.

 Keep up the positive energy throughout the whole exerpiance and after a few goes you may find not only you enjoy bath times but your pooch may too.

For more great tips check out;

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