Wednesday 23 January 2013

How similar are we?

We all love our pets and a lot of the time we can begin to 'humanise' them and try to adapt them to live the same lifestyle as us, but how similar are we to our canine companions?

Dogs have a digestive tract that is almost 3 times the length of their body. For this reason it takes them about 10 to 12 hours to digest dry food and around 5 hours to digest raw food.
Humans have a digestive tract that roughly 30 feet long and we can digest food in about 2 hours.

A dog's field of vision stretches out to 250 degrees, whilst humans can only see about 180 degrees. 

In total, dogs will sleep about 12 hours a day including all their little naps. Humans average 6 - 8 hours sleep a day.

Humans have a pregnancy period that lasts about 266 days - dogs on the other hand only last 63 days.

The average heartbeat for a dog is 70 - 100 beats per minute, though smaller breeds have a quicker heart beat that can get as high as 140 beats per minute. In a normal, calm state a humans heart beats around 75 beats per minute. 

Ever wondered why Fido is so agile and quick? The human body consists of 206 bones while a dog has 320 bones!

Dogs have approximatly 1700 taste buds on the tip of their tounge, this allows them to detect bitter, sweet, sour, salty and tasty things. Humans though, have about 10,000 taste buds but ours aren't all on our tounges. They are spread out throughout our mouth, under the tounge, in our cheeks and the roof of our mouths also. There is also a few in our lips to pick up on salty flavours. 

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